Stardate: 10-08-2017: The Edge of Insanity from 12-2pm P.S.T. on Mutiny Radio.FM. Paul Brumbaugh & Kitten Marie along with the #EdgeCrew Brandon Ray & Mistress Christine interview L.A comedian Kyle Gridley for the first time. I met Kyle in Santa Ana at his mic at Fathers Bar. We discuss the scene down there.
Some great stuff from Pauls Private Stash comedy, music & more.
The 420 SHOUTOUT! with Patrick Carlin with his flavor to savor for this week, plus what makes his world go round! Gotta have me something from his little brother, George Carlin. This 420 SHOUTOUT! goes out to Releaf Herbal Cooperative serving The Bay, from Back in The Day!”.
Send your tweets to https://twitter.com/edgeofinsanity7 with any questions that you may have for us.
Please listen Live and Download every webisode of The Edge before they get put in a mayonnaise jar & left on Funk and Wagnalls’ porch until…
TO LISTEN LIVE, GOTO: mutinyradio.fm & hit the speaker in the upper right-hand corner: http://nthmost.net:8000/mutiny-studio.m3u
Or Download on paulbrumbaugh.com & pcrcollective.org & NOW on iTunes!
Paul Brumbaugh’s crazy brand of humor with Kitten Marie Clayman, Christine Strauss & Brandon Ray Brumbaugh’s unique perspective on the forever changing landscape of entertainers in our midst along with a variety of interesting guests that will keep you o the edge of your seat wondering where they may go next. Stayed tuned to keep your finger on the pulse of what people are calling the road map to entertainment here on the interwebs! Ready to conquer the world & beyond, 1 Sunday at a time!.